Anti-bullying Policy
Revised May 2022
This anti-bullying policy is aimed at ensuring that pupils learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied. The anti-social behaviour of bullying can affect everyone. It is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Children, young people, and students should feel confident in reporting alleged bullying incidents as these will be dealt with fairly and sensitively by the appropriate staff members.
Enact Music Ltd will raise awareness of the nature of bullying through wall posters, occasional advice from teachers to students at lessons and group activities, information to students, staff and parents on Enact Music website and other appropriate means to eradicate such behaviour.
1.1 Definition of bullying
Bullying is defined as deliberately hurtful behaviour, repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves. Cyber-bullying is equally unacceptable and refers to aspects of similar behaviour perpetrated using the internet, contact websites, mobile phones, texting and other electronic means.
There are three main types of bullying:
Physical (hitting, kicking, theft)
Verbal (name-calling, sectarian comments, racist remarks)
Indirect (spreading rumours, inappropriate texting, excluding someone from social groups, innuendo)
1.2 Managing incidents of alleged bullying
The following steps must be taken when dealing with incidents:
If bullying is suspected or reported, the incident must be dealt with immediately by the member of staff who has been approached
A clear account of the incident must be recorded and given to Enact Music Director
All concerned will be interviewed and the incident recorded. Parents will be informed at the outset
Teachers and members of staff will be informed, and if bullying behaviour persists
Enact Music Director will advise the appropriate teacher and staff as appropriate
Parents will continue to be kept informed and included in any actions
Disciplinary measures will be used as appropriate in consultation with all parties involved.
1.3 Procedures where bullying has been substantiated
Pupils who have been bullied will be supported as follows:
Offered an immediate opportunity to discuss the experience with Enact Music Director, Teacher or member of staff of their choice
Reassuring the pupil
Offered continuous support
Restoring self-esteem and confidence
Pupils who have been engaged in bullying behaviour will be helped by:
Discussing what happened
Discovering why the pupil became involved
Establishing the wrongdoing and the need to change
Informing parents/ those with parental responsibility to help change the attitude and pupil's behaviour.
1.4 Disciplinary measures
The actions below may be taken:
Official warning aimed at ceasing offending and promoting change behaviours
Exclusion from certain areas at Enact Music premises or certain activities
Minor fixed term exclusion (up to two weeks)
Major fixed-term exclusion (3 weeks or more)
Permanent exclusion